fb Community Grant Application – Over $500 - Dowler-Karn
  • Organization Information

  • (e.g. volunteer, lead, contractor, event manager)
  • Event Information

  • What makes this a unique opportunity. Include the goals and objectives of your program
  • Number of people you plan to impact directly through this program
  • Select the closest Dowler-Karn Branch Office to the event for which the grant is being requested.
  • Program Information

  • Which media partners have been confirmed and what will be the media exposure? (Press, Radio, TV, Signage, Social Media, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Etc.)
  • What is the maximum number of sponsors for the event.
  • Detail the specific resources you are requesting. If a cash request, provide details on how the funds will be used.
  • Describe any opportunities that Dowler-Karn may have to communicate through this program. (Displays, receiving a copy of names and emails of participants etc.)
  • Explain how the program will be measured and reported back to Dowler-Karn.
  • Explain why Dowler-Karn is the right partner for this program.
  • If you have already spoken with someone at Dowler-Karn regarding your proposal, please enter their name, location, and details of discussion.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Attach a pdf document regarding program. Only pdf files can be attached.
  • Terms & Conditions